Florida Bus Driver Saves Nearly 40 Children

This woman is a HERO! Kristina Buhrman helped rescue 38 students from her burning school bus. As she traveled down I-4, she suddenly noticed smoke coming from the back of the bus. On the 911 call, Buhrman can be heard frantically trying to move the kids to safety.
Authorities say she did everything right: immediately pulling over and calling 911, evacuating the students and then moving them far away from the burning bus while she made sure all of them were accounted for.
None of the students were hurt.
Buhrman said she knew something was wrong when a student in the back yelled that there was smoke coming from under his seat.
And she said she wouldn’t consider herself a hero.  Sorry Kristina, but for everybody at Cutepuppylove you are a hero, we hope there were more people like you 🙂

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1 Response to Florida Bus Driver Saves Nearly 40 Children

  1. Missouri says:

    What a wonderful story. This bus driver is a real life hero!


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