How It’s Made, Decorative Candles!

Once you start watching this process of making candles, you won’t be able to stop. This is absolutely fascinating. This particular candle was created by the folks at Holland House Candles in the Netherlands, and it’s mesmerizing to watch…. My only concern is that these candles are so pretty, I don’t feel like wasting them 🙂

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4 Responses to How It’s Made, Decorative Candles!

  1. Hennie says:

    I am from Holland, I have never seen these Here but I saw them made in Hawaii in 1978


  2. Marlis Baumann says:

    ich mache sehr sehr viele Kerzen, habe dies aber noch nie probiert – werde es demnächst versuchen


  3. Jeanette edwards says:

    Simply incredible where can I buy one?


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