Wait, What’s Inside That Egg!

This man found a huge egg inside the carton. Was inside that egg is going to make his breakfast a little weird, right 🙂  Maybe it is like those Russian dolls

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26 Responses to Wait, What’s Inside That Egg!

  1. I woulda like to have seen what woulda hatched out of it-because he just ruined the opportunity to answer what came first? (The Chicken or the egg)?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My daughter was TOTALLY IN SHOCK! She held a live chicken in Togo for a lengthy bus ride and to think a chicken could produce this! WOW!


  3. Lafemmeroar says:

    It’s like a twin inside a twin…or conjoined twins… I was expecting to see teeth…. oh well… I won’t be eating any eggs for a while.


  4. Norm Higgs says:

    LOL – “the BIG egg, is a lot bigger” Really? Who woulda thought…


  5. Chelle says:

    OMG! That is amazing. Don’t think I will ever see anything like that again. Maybe the chicken couldn’t lay the first egg and formed another one over time over the top?


    • Tedd says:

      That is exactly what happened. For whatever reason, the muscular action that moves the egg malfunctions and another egg forms around the first one. They are extremely rare, but not a miracle.


  6. Barbara Nickson says:

    I was waiting for a baby chick to pop out. Glas it was just anther egg.


  7. Lorrie Smith says:

    I had one of those a month ago. I was shocked too…


  8. Wow! I have never in my life seen something like that. Amazing. Freak of nature.


  9. Have to feel sorry for the hen that laid that egg!


  10. Uncle O says:

    what would have happened if he hard boiled it instead?


  11. I’m with Shirley Reyes,


  12. Rick says:

    Well that’s a first for me ~ nice !!


  13. obohshem says:

    Wow…. But how is this possible? It is really surprising…


  14. Marsha Doran says:

    I have never seen that!
    thought it would be like a double yoke.. hmmm wonder if this is like twins of the not Identical type?? if it had been fertilized .. of course.. lol


  15. Justin kuehl says:

    We get doubles all the time. This is nothing out of the ordinary. Egg companies sell them off to bakery’s cause the common person would just toss it out.


  16. glenn says:

    ive raised chicken double wokes is not rare, get em all the time


  17. Kim says:

    I have never seen anything like that, its amazing what nature does


  18. egle says:

    i thing its fake. did u all notice the difference in the second egg? the whites were more around the yolk, creating a poll, where the first one spalshed apart like water straight away. that mean, that first is fake egg, and second is real. for how to make fake egg, go to youtube….


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