Man Sees for the First Time in 20 Years.

Mark Cornell lost his sight 20 years ago after serving in the US Air Force for 18 years.

Watch this emotional video as he sees his friends for the first time with eSight, electronic glasses that let the legally blind actually see.


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3 Responses to Man Sees for the First Time in 20 Years.

  1. ayietim1 says:

    Very emotional. Truly eye opening. He is beginning to live life afresh but how many of us who have two functional eyes can actually see the beautiful things in this world? How many of us sincerely appreciate the gift of sight? How many of us truly say daily, ‘Thank You’, to the one who has made this possible? Life is beautiful. Enjoy it but live a meaningful life.


  2. Elias says:

    It is possible to have any contact about this new
    Thecnology ??


  3. Peggy Salmon says:

    Where can we get info on cost and availability? My husband is legally blind and we are very interested in more information. Thank you!


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