100-Year-Old Woman Sees the Ocean for the First Time

Ruby Holt spent most of her 100 years on a farm in rural Tennessee, picking cotton and raising four children.

She saw the ocean for the first time when she was 100… Very moving…

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6 Responses to 100-Year-Old Woman Sees the Ocean for the First Time

  1. Colleen says:

    This is beautiful!!! I have a question for the folks involved with this trip! Where did you all find that wheelchair? It’s a wonderf way to help disabled friends see the world!!!


  2. Reblogged this on Invisible Pain Warriors and commented:
    We can ALL do anything we set our minds to, with a little help from our friends and loved ones. ❤


  3. dickiebird says:

    Spent her life pickin cotton? Geez, in my Grandpa`s day they had free labour doin that. LOL.


  4. judy chenard says:

    so happy for her…..I absolutely love the ocean….so calming and relaxing….so beautiful and peaceful….


  5. i would love to live near th ocean,,,that would be a dream come true.,for me.


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